I finally got to the next chapter in Neal A's book. It. Is. Phenomenal.
If it wasn't obnoxious I would just type out the entire chapter.
If you haven't read any of the previous posts on "Meek and Lowly", click on the meek and lowly label at the bottom of this post, and start at the beginning.
This chapter is titled "The Deadly Sin of Pride". I was cringing going in to it because I know pride is one of my problems. I'm working on it. Here are a few of my favorite excerpts.
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"Just as meekness is in all our virtues so pride is in all our sins"
"The pervasiveness of pride and the degree to which it is persistent in our lives must ever put us on guard, reminding us, as did Paul, not to be 'highminded, 'for we stand by faith.' (Romans 11:20.) Faith dissolves very quickly when meekness disappears and pride takes over."
"One reason to be particularly on guard against pride is that 'the devilish strategy of Pride is that it attacks us, not in our weakest points, but in our strongest. It is preeminently the sin of the noble mind.' Not only of the noble mind, but also of the semirighteious."
"Pride can begin incipiently and gradually, but with frightening prospects, as Joseph Smith pointed out: 'The moment we revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power."
"It is a heroic thing for individuals to reverse themselves, their attitudes, and their patterns of behavior in order to pursue discipleship."
"Self-control depend upon meekness....A furious man is out of control. Individuals who are meek may not always decipher what is happening to them or around them; however, even though they do not 'know the meaning of all things,' they know that the Lord loves them.' (1 Nephi 11:17) They may feel overwhelmed, but they are not out of control. In those moments, it is important for us to remember His counsel: 'Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)"
"There are many persons just waiting to be offended; certain they will not be treated fairly, they almost invite the verification of their expectation."
"The meek man, is the man of complete self-mastery"
"Rocks of offense or stones of stumbling keep the proud from making spiritual progress. No less destructive is what might be called the gravel of grumpiness, which keeps us off balance and annoyingly turns ankles. Even though we do not fully fall or stumble, we progress more slowly, painfully, and fitfully. The meek, however, make stepping-stones of stumbling blocks."
"Those who fear losing face cannot have [Christ's] image in their countenances" (Almost 5:14).
"Arrogance and disobedience are cellmates."
"Those who boast of their independence from God are like the goldfish in a bowl who regards himself as self-sufficient."
"Nor is spiritual learning automatically at odds with secular learning; it simply goes beyond."
"Being more open to the truth, the meek are more free, while the proud are compassed about with glitzed self sufficiency."
"Those who are meek are also unthreatened in their own commitment merely because others do not make that same commitment."
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There was SO much more I could have put here. Seriously amazing stuff.
What do you think about these quotes from Elder Maxwell?