I have been in a state of denial for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I told myself EVERY time I put on my shorts or jeans that they were tight because they must have just come out of the wash. I told myself that I wasn't eating THAT much sugar. I looked in the mirror and sucked in just enough to make the roll that has appeared around my middle to disappear long enough for me to forget its there before I leave the mirror....
But I jumped on the scale today. I have gained some marriage weight. I almost decided to have a breakdown, but then decided that would be rather dumb and dramatic. I like the decision.
However, I need to do something about it now. I don't like how I feel. I don't like that I weigh quite a bit more than my husband. I don't like that I don't feel pretty standing next to him.
So instead of whining, I am going to do something about it. I am going to give up the sugar that I love so much (The Otter Pops will be rationed to 1 or 2 a day. I just CAN'T give those up completely). I am going to start a routine of exercising. I am hoping to put a schedule together alternating yoga and running. I am going to drink many waters.
But most of all
I am not going to let 20 pounds get the better of my self esteem, and I am NOT going to let those pounds be the boss of me. I am the boss, and they are getting the boot.